We’ve all been there at least once, wondering if the signs we are reading are right. Crushing on someone can be tricky, especially if you don’t know if the person is crushing on you back. However, there are some ways you that might help you navigate if someone is feeling you for more than a friend, even if they aren’t exactly forthcoming. Believe me I know it’s easier to just know someone is on the same page you are before having the, “you know I really dig you” conversation. So if you’re in the, can’t quite catch the read stage, then this article is for you.
1. All up in your space
2. Their Feet Are Always Pointed In Your Direction
- Yes it may be a bit weird but it’s true, According to behavioral expert Vanessa Van Edwards in a piece for The Science of People, feet pointed towards you is often a strong sign of attraction, as people will usually orient their body towards the source of their desire.
3. The Find Excuses To Touch
- Maybe when they laugh they lean in and touch you on your shoulder. Or perhaps while watching TV they sit next to you touching their legs with yours, either way touching is a way of feeling connected. Touching also means they are comfortable with you and how you feel together. So if they are touching a bit more than usual, there could be something there. Aaron Ben-Zeév Ph.D. reminds us in his article called “Why a Lover’s Touch Is So Powerful” that a touch can be stronger then verbal or emotional contact. And if you have read my article, 10 Steps Towards Creating A Deeper Connection, you know I certainly believe that.
4. They Always Laugh At Your Jokes
- Ok you know you’re funny, but are you really that funny? In another Psychology Today piece, evolutionary psychologist Norman Li noted that whether or not someone laughs at your jokes is a major “interest indicator.” He noted that this is important because opting not to laugh can be a sign of active dislike, whereas if they are laughing at your jokes and sense of humor, they feel a connection with you.
5. It not just what they do, it’s what they say
When this happens it can make all the other signs click at once. For example you might get a text in the morning that says “good morning handsome” or “good morning beautiful”, there’s no subtlety to that. As well, they might give you compliments on things when they don’t normally, like your clothes or your body, hair, etc. When this happens get ready for #10
6. They want to dig deeper by asking lots of questions
- Moffit also said that another telltale sign is if they ask you a lot of questions about yourself and really seem to be listening to the answers. For better or worse, in today’s busy world people don’t often take the time to really learn about other people unless they really have a vested interest.
- According to social and personality psychologist Dr. Jeremy Nicholson in a piece for Psychology Today, when someone likes you’ll they’ll generally go out of their way to find excuses to touch you. Maybe they’ll try to get you to play a game that involves touching hands, or will squeeze by you in a tight space in the office when they could have gone a different route.
- Again if you have ready my article, 10 Steps Towards Creating A Deeper Connection, you know that a great way to not only get to know someone but to get close is to ask questions and listen to the answers.
7. They Remember Important Dates
- A compilation piece for ReLuv, a site devoted to relationship knowledge, noted that when someone likes you’ll they’ll often remember things like your birthday, or the fact that you plan to go on vacation at a specific time. People who aren’t your close friends and family don’t generally remember those details unless they’re really paying attention. If someone is paying attention to the details of dates, it usually means they care about when you are where you are.
8. They Have Trouble Making Eye Contact – Too much or Too little
- Saying that your eyes can tell the story certainly applies here. In my experience when your friend is crushing on you and they don’t want you to know, they tend to avoid eye contact so their eyes won’t spill the beans. The opposite also holds true, if someone is all up into you, sometime they just can’t take their eyes off you. So look for little signs of either trying to avoid a lot of eye contact or trying to get more eye contact than normal.
9. They always want to hang out
- This may seem like a no brainer, but it’s often overlooked because it may seem like business as usual. But if you’re finding your friend wanting to hang out more, that means they enjoy your company and want more time. Remember that time is one of the most important aspects of a relationship. So if someone wants your time, they more than likely also want you.
10 They tell you
- This may seem like the obvious one, but sometimes it’s not. They may say, “You know I really like you” as a way to gauge how you feel about them. When this happens don’t freak out and make it more awkward than it needs to be. If you feel the same way, let them know. However if you don’t, then let them know right away so you can keep the friendship in as much tact as possible.
Things to remember – Everything will be ok.
Developing a connection takes time, it surely doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient because, if it is real and it’s right, everything will be ok.
Stay focused on you. Continue to shine and everyone will notice. If you get yourself together, you are closer to finding the relationship that you want and deserve, no matter whether it’s with your ex or someone else. There is light at the end of the tunnel, we just don’t know who’s holding it. Remember there is someone for everyone, I see it every time I go to Walmart.
We hope this helped. If you have additional questions or other ideas on how to tackle this subject, please leave your feedback below.
Much needed read!! So here’s the only problem!!! this guy literally does everything on this list EXCEPT he doesnt ever make plans or want to hang out. Any ideas why that may be?